Springtime Around the Hub

Spring is finally officially upon us, and it is probably the most naturally beautiful time of the year at the Disneyland Resort, especially around The Hub, where all life clusters at the heart of Disneyland Park. It is spring when the flowers bloom and the blossoms open, and from the vibrant pinks of the tabebuia trees to the delicate shapes of the flowers planted all around Walt and Mickey, a stroll around The Hub during springtime is absolutely beautiful and livening.

Here are some more photos from my shoot of the tabebuia blooms a couple of weeks ago, including some of the other plantlife around The Hub!  I think you'll agree, the sights are rather spectacular!

Walt and Mickey stand in front of dramatic storm clouds as golden hour descends upon the park.
This area of the park is a constant source of photo stops.
Walt and Mickey are in a lovely frame with the tabebuia blossoms!

Those blooms are absolutely invigorating.
They are the park's natural sign that spring is upon us--regardless of what the calendar says.
A lamppost in front of tababuia blossoms.
Another shot of a tababuia in front of Fantasy Faire and the buttes of Big Thunder Mountain.
The flowers around The Hub are splendid as well.
A lone near-blossom, emblematic of the passing of winter.
Foxgloves make a refreshing sight in the flower beds.
Their shape and stature are quite pleasing.
And one last shot of the trumpet tree blooms.


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