Hi, folks! I'm trying something revolutionary--an online journal where I share photos that I've taken. They call it a photo blog, and I hear it's the new hot thing. Well, I take photos, and I like to think they're pretty good. So why not?
This blog will be a showcase of two of my loves: Disney and photography. I can't promise how regularly I'll keep this, but in the "photo-a-day" vein, I feel like posting one thing every day or two is something I might be able to manage. So here goes nothing!
The entrance to Ornament Valley. |
We'll start with something that's been in the news lately... Cars Land. Yeah, the pinnacle of Disney's $1 billlion+ makeover of its formerly decried California Adventure park. I'm happy to report that DCA no longer merits decrying. With the addition of Carsland and Buena Vista Street, Disneyland's former ugly duckling neighbor has grown into a beautiful and elegant swan. And some might say that it's now Disneyland that looks outdated and blase!
I won't go that far. But I will say this--Disney California Adventure is now stunning. And I encourage everyone to get out and take a look!
I'm so happy that you are doing this yo! Please enable a RSS Feed so I can follow you!