Midnight Sets at the Wharf

The scene below is very much a different view these days, as the transformation of Pacific Wharf into San Fransokyo Square continues marching toward its end-of-the-month opening.  Now, rather than a green hue, the bridge into the area is Golden Gate red.  And two additional towering pylons have been added to evoke the iconic Bay Area bridge.  Somehow, the construction crews have been able to transform this area without shutting it down completely, erecting the towers overnight and phasing closures of parts of the area.  

It'll be exciting to see how this Big Hero 6-inspired area turns out when complete, but for now, here's a peaceful, wistful scene from Pacific Wharf's original appearance.  It's one that will soon formally slip into Yesterland!

Sometimes, you get lucky with the right exposure at night to capture enough detail in the shadows and mostly avoid blowing out the highlights!


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