The Main Street Mick-O-Lantern

Three years in a row, I've failed efforts to get a crisp, clean, empty photo of the Mickey Mouse Pumpking on Main Street at the end of the night during Halloween Time.  Three years ago, COVID derailed everything, and the last two years, I have not been able to get a shot devoid of any people before security swept me out of the park.  But if at first, or second, or third you don't succeed, try again!  Last Friday night, at around 1:15am, after all the guests trying to take their last self photos had left the frame, and after the late night cast members had moved completely down Main Street, and after security graciously stepped out of the frame, I was able to get my clean, empty-park shot.  

It used to be easier to do this, but people love staying late at Disney more than ever.  So patience is well needed for photos like this.  But that patience is worth it!

Well after hours on the first night of Halloween Time at Disneyland this year!


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